We don't like to see you go, but here's all the information you need about cancellation
Are you sure? Check all that you'll lose out here.
What happens when you cancel your subscription
- You will not be charged on your next billing date.
- Your subscription will still be valid until the end of your billing period. That means your upcoming sessions will still be valid, and you can still book new sessions, until the end of your billing period.
- Once your subscription gets cancelled:
- You will no longer be able to book sessions, download files, message service providers, or rate your sessions.
- You will lose permanent access to your current subscription plan and any legacy pricing benefits.
- You may have to rejoin the waiting list. If you wish to resubscribe in the future, it will be at public rates set at that time, not according to your current rate
- For Studio (Legacy) subscriptions only: Any credits left in your account won't be valid or available to rollover after the cancellation's effective date.
Find information about:
How to cancel your Unlimited subscription
1. Go to Billing Settings
2. Click "Cancel Subscription"
3. Select your cancellation reason. You will help us improve the platform and services!
4. Acknowledge the terms of your cancellation by checking all the boxes, and click "Confirm Cancellation".
5. The cancellation will come into effect on your next billing date (you can see it in your billing area). Until then, you'll still have full access.
Changed your mind?
Until the next billing date, you can also select "Resume Subscription", which sets the cancellation back, so that you can continue on your plan.
How to cancel your Studio (Legacy) subscription
1. Go to My Profile > Billing
2. Click "Cancel subscription"
3. Select your cancellation reason. This is very important for us to improve Musiversal's platform and services
4. Acknowledge the terms of your cancellation by checking all the boxes, and click "Confirm cancellation" at the bottom
5. The cancellation will come into effect on your next billing date (you can see it in your billing area). Until then, you'll still have full access
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